Set For Life Dogs


The Ana-Maria Davies Memorial
Set for Life Program

The Ana-Maria Davies Memorial Set for Life Program is a life-saver for dogs considered unadoptable, primarily due to advanced age or medical conditions. With proper care, these dogs can still enjoy a good quality of life. Even though others may have given up on them, our Rescue promises each Set for Life dog that they will be cared for and loved for the rest of their lives.

Each dog in our Set for Life program lives in a permanent foster home. Although we use the term “foster,” these dogs have found their forever homes and are much-loved family members.

It’s a partnership in caring. BTRC takes full financial responsibility for the dog’s veterinary treatment and other necessary expenses throughout their life, and the family provides all the TLC. Our third partner is YOU – your generosity and compassion allow us to continue to make a real difference in the lives of these deserving dogs.

Without someone willing to provide for these dogs in their sunset years, the only other option would be euthanasia. That’s why we urge you to help us so that we can commit to providing everything possible to keep these dogs happy, healthy, and loved. Ongoing medical costs for Set for Life dogs do strain our resources, and we never want to be forced to turn a dog away when we may be their last chance.

Want to help? Make a one-time gift or choose to give monthly.


Boston Terrier
0 Days Old

Location: Ottawa, Ontario

Boston Terrier
8 Years Old

Boston Terrier
0 Days Old

Boston Terrier
21 Years Old

Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia

Boston Terrier Mix
4 Years Old

Boston Terrier
19 Years Old

Location: near Miramichi, New Brunswick

Boston Terrier
11 Years Old

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