I'm staying with the rescue furever!


Happy Birthday, Thomas!

Set for Life Thomas recently celebrated his eleventh birthday, so we decided we wanted to show his fans what a day in the life of Thomas looks like.

If Thomas could have his way, he’d spend all his time outside. Sights, smells, sounds – it doesn’t matter if it’s cold or hot – Thomas wants to take it all in! He has quite the playful streak, so he likes to entice his mom and dad to have some fun. And, when they have other stuff to do, he works on destuffing his toys. His mom bought him a toy that was advertised as ‘indestructible,’ but Thomas had the last laugh because that goose was missing one foot in under a minute!

Ever the perfect road trip buddy, Thomas accompanies his parents on all their adventures. Whether it’s for a quick errand in town, a visit to the vet or a trip to see the mountains, he is raring to go! Speaking of the vet, Thomas continues to be on his best behaviour during his visits and remains calm when he sees other dogs (now, if the other dog starts barking at Thomas first, he finds it fair game to bark back, but quickly calms down as getting all riled up is ‘old news’).

We asked Thomas what he got for his birthday and recalled quite an impressive list – a shiny bowl, some toys and a new screen for the door. He said that when he heard visitors in the backyard, he wanted to impress everyone with his Superman jump and didn’t have time to stop himself when he realized the door wasn’t open. 

Thomas’s mom says, “I just love what a sweet little boy he is” and we know that for Thomas, he truly loves how sweet his forever parents are too. ❤

Thomas lives in New Brunswick and as a Set for Life dog, will stay with his wonderful ‘forever foster’ family.


Dear Valentine,

You have been with me since I arrived in my forever foster home a year-and-a-half ago. I travelled all the way from Ontario to New Brunswick and when I entered my new home, there you were. It’s like you were waiting for me all my life.

My life hasn’t always been easy and for a long time it was hard for me to be the best boy I could be. But when I met you and my forever mom and dad, things started to change.

When I have a bad day, you patiently wait for me to feel better so we can play. When I’m excited, you let me chase you. When I’m tired, you quietly lay beside me. As my eyebrows grow whiter, you still stick by me. As my vision gets fuzzier, you allow me to find you over and over again. You love me unconditionally.

Mr. Squeaky, I know they say it’s wrong to play favourites, but you’ll always be my favourite toy. Will you grow old with me and become my Set for Life Valentine? Then, we can be together forever.




Dear Santa Paws,

Am I too old to be writing to you? My mom says no – that Santa Paws loves dogs of all ages.

Santa, I’ve been a very good boy this year. Remember before when I used to be bothered at the vet? Now, when I go, I see other dogs there and I just watch them instead of telling them to leave. The vet (he’s one of my BFFs now), can look at my eyes and I don’t fuss like I used to. This takes hard work, Santa, but I’m doing it.

I wanna be honest, so I’ll tell you one thing that might get me on your ‘naughty’ list. I give mom the royal run around at eye drop time. It’s all good though cause Mom says she still loves me.

Dad and I like to play ball together, so I could really use some new tennis balls this year. Dad is good at getting a basket in the wrong net, which I like because I get all his points. I’m down to my last clean ball, so if the elves can make me some, that would be great. I’m not picky about colour, but I’d prefer if it wasn’t red, white, yellow, pink, purple, brown or green.

By the way Santa, I am free on Christmas Eve if you need another reindog to help pull your sleigh.




Sunbeams and blankets are a Boston’s best friends!

Thomas is a guy who knows what he wants, and what Thomas wants is to be warm and comfortable. So, when he saw his mom lay a fluffy and fresh blanket down, he dragged it to a large sunny spot to catch some indoor rays. 

One of the reasons Thomas joined BTRC’s Set for Life program was because he has glaucoma. There is no cure for this eye disease, where fluids build up in the eye and increase pressure to dangerous levels. This condition must be carefully monitored to ensure Thomas receives the right medications at the right dosages. On his most recent visit, his veterinary ophthalmologist had some good news: Thomas’s eye pressure is stable and in a safe range.

As long as this remains the case, Thomas doesn’t need to return to the specialist and can have his eyes rechecked monthly at his local vet’s office. Thomas is very happy to hear this because he has become increasingly chummy with his regular vet – they go way back.

Thomas, you continue to make us smile! We are all so proud of how far you have come since arriving into BTRC’s care a little over two years ago. 

Thomas lives in New Brunswick and as a Set for Life dog, will stay with his wonderful ‘forever foster’ family.


Good Boy Awards

The rumours are true – our Set for Life Thomas has been a good boy and we decided he needs to be celebrated!

On a recent vet visit, Thomas shared the waiting room with five other dogs. He paid no attention to two Chihuahuas, which is a big deal for Thomas who has been known to be reactive to dogs. He visited with two other dogs and while they sniffed each other, his tail wagged the entire time! He whined a little when he saw a small dog on its owner’s lap, but who knows, maybe he thought she was cute.  On his way out of the vet, he encountered a large Golden Retriever and Thomas barely batted an eye. Based on his last update and this most recent one, it seems like Thomas might be putting his only dog loner ways behind him!

Thomas also recently celebrated his 10th birthday. Happy Birthday, Thomas!


May 2023 Update

Our Set for Life foster, Thomas, has been making some big strides! Known to be reactive towards other animals and strangers, Thomas has shown much improvement. On a recent outing, a person (with permission) pet Thomas with no issues. After their cordial exchange, Thomas was described as a “beautiful dog.” Though Thomas already knows this, he humbly accepted the compliment.

On a trip to the pet store, Thomas encountered two dogs. Thomas calmly stood still and just watched them. It was only after they started jumping and barking that Thomas reacted. This makes us wonder if, with the right introductions, Thomas could be okay with other dogs. Thomas has been full of pleasant surprises, so this is something we will monitor.

Thomas was diagnosed with glaucoma when he first came to BTRC. This is a chronic condition requiring him to have daily drops and vet checks. Like many dogs, he isn’t a fan of his eye medication and vet visits (or nail trims for that matter). His mom has worked diligently with him and he now allows her to give him eye drops and nail trims. Thomas is sedated and muzzled for veterinary checks, but on recent visits, he has had no issues. He was so comfortable that he even fell asleep during a check-up! Because he was such a good boy, his vet has requested that he takes no sedatives for his next visit.

Congratulations, Thomas, on a job well-done!


Fun and games for Thomas!

Mental enrichment is as important for dogs as physical exercise. It improves cognitive function, builds confidence, releases stress, helps to expend built-up energy, and is just plain FUN!

You don’t need to spend a ton of money either. Set for Life Thomas enjoys an enrichment game made for FREE – scenting out his kibble (or part of his daily treat allowance) in a box of toilet paper rolls! 

We know that some dogs will be as tempted to shred the rolls as working on sniffing out the prize. Always supervise. Cardboard is not toxic, but it’s also not particularly digestible so be sure to remove the game when they are done finding what is actually supposed to be edible!


Thomas joined his Set for Life foster family on July 23, 2022. Congrats to Thomas!


One year in care for Thomas

July 21 will mark a full year in rescue for Thomas. That’s a long time, and time is something we are running out of. 

Thomas celebrated his 9th birthday last week. He’s fully up to date on all routine vetting, on heartworm/flea/tick preventative, and weighs approximately 36 lbs.

There is a lot to love about Thomas, and Thomas has a lot of love to give. But Thomas is a reactive dog with a chronic medical condition. Sadly, attempts to find Thomas a “Set for Life” home have been unsuccessful. (Our Set for Life program places the dog in a permanent home, but BTRC remains a partner in the dog’s ongoing care, overseeing medical treatment and expenses for the rest of the dog’s life.)

We ask you to please read Thomas’s full story here: https://www.bostonterrierrescuecanada.com/dog/thomas/

We are making one last plea for a Set for Life foster home for Thomas. If you are the special person who can offer Thomas a loving home for the rest of his days, please reach out via email to board@bostonterrierrescuecanada.com or send a PM. We hope to speak with you soon.


Best boy, Thomas

We have still not found a forever foster home for Thomas. Yes, he’s a senior and yes, he has some special needs. But he has come SO FAR in his search for a forever home where the rest of his life can be the best of his life.

His Set for Life foster will partner with rescue and we will continue to support all his medical expenses, as well as offer continued training support. Thomas is located in Ontario, but we will certainly consider transport to that perfect person.

For questions about our Set for Life program, and to find out how you can provide Thomas with his happily-ever-after, please email board@bostonterrierrescuecanada.com

And please show you care by giving Thomas a share!


A special someone for Thomas

Thomas is still looking for that perfect relationship where he can spend the rest of his days with one very important job – being your BFF! 

As a part of BTRC’s ‘Set for Life’ program, expenses for his medical care will remain the responsibility of the rescue. Thomas does have some special requirements in a forever home, so please read his bio. We’d love to speak to you about him!

We just know that the right person is out there and will ‘swipe right’ for deserving Thomas ❤️


Set for Life Foster Needed!

Thomas has been with BTRC since July of 2021. Friendly and affectionate with his foster caregiver, Thomas does have some behavioural and medical issues that make him unadoptable in the traditional sense.

But he is no less deserving of a loving, forever home.

For this reason, Thomas is now part of BTRC’s Set for Life program. BTRC has made a commitment to Thomas to forever support his needs and pay for his care for the rest of his life.

We are looking for a very special foster home to partner with rescue so Thomas can live his best life. The journey ahead will have its share of challenges, but we know that there is someone out there who can provide Thomas with the home he needs and the love he craves!

If you open your heart and your home to Thomas you will be a true rescue hero. ❤️


Dear Santa,

I’m really excited for Christmas in my new foster home! I am getting lots of cuddles and I’m being a really good boy! I practice with my foster mom every day and she says I’m doing a great job.

I was hoping you could bring me a new sweater for Christmas because my foster mom says I get really cold outside. I made her carry me home from our walk this morning.  I think a new sweater or coat would help keep me warm.

Thanks Santa. As you can see, my foster mom already thinks you and I are best buds.

Your friend,

[We hear one of Santa’s elves - aka foster mom - made sure you have something cozy to wear already Thomas. You’re looking really festive! Don’t worry though, Santa will make sure you get something special under the tree]


Talking about Thomas

There are no bad dogs. But there are dogs whose baggage is packed with some challenging behaviours. And seven-year-old Thomas is one of those dogs.

We can’t sugar coat it – Thomas is travelling with a steamer trunk. His behaviours could be due to a whole host of reasons: an undiagnosed medical condition, a past traumatic event, or to paraphrase Lady Gaga, “put your paws up, ’cause he was born this way”.

Our number one priority is to investigate and evaluate. Thomas will start his journey with Rescue in a “board and train” environment, where he can decompress, be professionally assessed and work with a trainer. Thomas will also undergo a complete veterinary workup.

Dogs like Thomas aren’t easy. And they aren’t inexpensive. But we believe that Thomas deserves a chance, and fortunately at this time we had the space and the resources to offer our help.

NOTE: Thomas is being fostered in Ontario and is on a behavioural hold.


  • Boston Terrier
  • Male
  • Senior (109+ Months)My DoB is 02/24/2013
  • 31 - 40 Pounds
  • New Brunswick
  • Black and White
  • Affectionate
  • Not Tested With Kids
  • I Like Select Dogs
  • Not Tested With Cats
  • $450.00

DONATE NOW       Help us take care of Thomas

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