Always bursting with energy and excitement, Swayman has good reason to be a happy boy – he’s finally made it home!
Swayman has met his perfect match! He’s in awe of his new BT brother, Blaze, whose lightning-fast zoomies, powerful tugs, and sky-high Superman leaps make every day an adventure. This dynamic duo keeps everyone on their toes, and there’s no doubt – Swayman is right where he belongs!
His mom says, “He is loving all the attention he is getting and having lots of fun learning from his brother, Blaze! Swayman has been a great addition to the family!”
We can’t wait to hear more about the adventures of Swayman and Blaze…we have a feeling there will be lots of entertaining stories to share. ♥
Meet Swayman
Named after the NHL Boston Bruins goalie, Swayman lives up to his name with quick reflexes, impressive athleticism, and determination. While he’s bursting with energy during playtime, he transitions seamlessly into cuddle mode when it’s time to relax. Swayman adores people and gets so excited when someone new enters the home that he might bark to announce their arrival. He’s working on keeping all four paws on the floor when greeting guests – and learning that patience almost always guarantees some scratches and pets. Swayman absolutely loves his human foster siblings and would thrive in a home with dog-savvy kids who can match his enthusiasm and playfulness.
Being a curious and playful, and still very much acting like a pup, Swayman is still learning some boundaries. He sometimes forgets that shoes, socks, and dish towels aren’t chew toys and that not every falling leaf is a must-catch prize. His potty training is a work in progress – while he is improving, he still occasionally sneaks away for a quick bathroom break indoors. During busy moments in the house, a belly band has been a helpful tool to prevent accidents as he continues to learn. With his eagerness to please, Swayman would benefit greatly from ongoing training or even advanced classes. He’s highly food-motivated and loves praise, making him an excellent student for any family committed to helping him shine.
Since coming into foster care, Swayman has undergone neutering, cherry eye repair, and a second eye surgery to further secure the repair after the initial procedure didn’t hold, all alongside his routine vetting. His recovery (and weeks wearing the dreaded cone) disrupted some of his training routines, but he’s worked hard to get off the bench! While walks were limited during recovery, Swayman is resuming his leash training and continues to work on perfecting his manners – though squirrels and bunnies haven’t been helping!
Swayman gets along well with other dogs and is currently being fostered alongside a Boston sibling. Like many puppies, his excitement can be a little overwhelming during introductions, so slow and patient introductions are a must. He’d thrive with a playful companion who shares his energy or as the centre of attention as your one-and-only pup. While Swayman hasn’t met cats in foster care, his love for chasing bunnies and squirrels suggests a feline-free home might be the best fit.
Fully crate-trained, Swayman sleeps soundly through the night in the same room as his humans, though he’d happily trade the crate for snuggling under the blankets in your bed! He’s also comfortable staying in his crate when left alone to ensure no mischief while you’re out.
Swayman turned one on February 1st. At just under 30 lbs., he has reached his full size — not much bigger than many Boston Terriers.
If you are looking for someone to play with all day and snuggle up and watch the game with at night, Swayman is your boy! He’s ready to cheer you on and fill your home with laughter and love. Click HERE to apply and make him part of your team!
Swayman has some serious skills and he’s not afraid to show them off. This adorable one-year-old thrives on time spent with his humans and he’s always game for whatever is on the agenda. His silly antics make his foster family laugh until their bellies hurt, but his snuggly sensitive side also melts hearts.
With two great applications now under review this draft pick will soon find his forever home. Go Swayman go!
P.S. Team Canada – if there was ever a time to win one, it’s now! GO TEAM!
Wanna know something cool? I was told I get to choose my very own Valentine and of course I decided to choose you! The humans call you my littermate, but I think you’ve upgraded to friend. Even though we went to separate foster homes, we still got to spend lots of time together.
It’s been a while since we last spoke, so I wanna keep you updated on the cool things that are happening for me. But first – congrats on finding your forever home! I’m super duper excited for you. I hear your new family is fantastic and that’s what I was hoping for – you deserve only the best.
When you got adopted, I was recovering from my second cherry eye surgery and I’m happy to share that everything is fixed! Then I was put up for adoption, except I wasn’t scooped up as quickly as you and I’m still waiting. My foster mom says not to worry and that I’m just as special, loveable, fun and handsome as you, and that I need to be patient.
Can I ask you something, Banksy? When BTRC made you ‘adoptable,’ were you so excited that you wanted to do zoomies all day every day? That’s how I feel. I’ll never get tired of imagining all the fun and excitement my forever home will bring.
Another thing. Did you fall asleep every night hoping that when you woke up, good news would be waiting and that BTRC found you ‘the one’? That’s what I do. I wake up wondering if the day will be different – if I too will get adopted.
Don’t get me wrong – I don’t spend my days moping around the house. Life is wayyyyyy too fun for that! Our backyard is an ice rink and my human foster brother practices hockey out there and I’m supposed to be the goalie (something about the name Swayman makes people assume I need to be in net). But being goalie means I need to stay in one place and I’d rather skate all over! I’m really fast and my foster mom used a big word the other day – agile.
Banksy, I hope you write me soon because I wanna know all the awesome stuff about being a BTRC alum. I can’t wait for my own graduation day!
I’m so excited about my very first Christmas! My foster brother, BTRC alum Wall-e, has been telling me all about it. He said we’d go to a big farm to help our humans pick out a tree to bring home, and he was right! We had so much fun, and Wall-e and I made sure they picked the perfect one.
But Santa, here’s the confusing part: they brought the tree INSIDE the house and then told me I’m NOT allowed to pee on it. Me and Wall-e picked it out, so we should mark it as ours, right?
Wall-e also told me you’ll bring new toys – just for me! But do you know what I want even more than toys? My very own forever family. ♥ I love everyone at my foster home, but Wall-e says there’s no better feeling than having a family to call your very own.
I promise I’ll play with them, cuddle with them, and work so hard to be the bestest boy ever!
That’s all, Santa. I hope it’s not too much to ask.
Love, Swayman
P.S. If you’re looking for a loyal teammate, you can score big with this young Boston Terrier-mix. But hurry – applications for adoption will be closing soon! Visit for Swayman’s full bio and an application form. Swayman is being fostered in the Niagara Region of Ontario.
After eight long weeks, Swayman is finally cone-free! We mentioned in an earlier post that his cherry eye prolapsed through the incision site, so he needed a second surgery to secure the gland (this time with a permanent suture).
Thankfully, Swayman’s recheck at the vet determined that his eye has adequate tear production and is healing nicely. This is great news for Swayman because it means he will soon be ready to find his forever home!
Swayman is being fostered in the Niagara Region of Ontario and once he is ready for adoption, we will post him on social media. Keep your eyes peeled for this sweet and handsome boy!
Total cost for Swayman’s eye surgeries: $4308.52
Littermates Swayman and Banksy recently had their cherry eyes repaired – one for each boy. They are lucky that their foster parents live close by, so they get to experience their vet visits on the same day!
Once out of surgery, both boys were understandably out of it and their eyes looked…well…red and swollen. Swayman had more swelling than Banksy, as he also had an ocular dermoid removed. A dermoid is a lump of furry skin that grows in an abnormal location – in Swayman’s case, his eye.
The inflammation in the boys’ eyes looks better with each day, despite the fact that when it comes to eye ointment time, they put up a fight (or shall we say wiggle). They are using the sympathy card to score extra long snuggles, delicious treats and more pets.
Sadly for Swayman, he’ll have to endure another surgery and round of recovery after this one, as his cherry eye has prolapsed through the incision site; in other words, it’s slipped out of place. This time a permanent suture will hold the gland in place. As the inflammation needs to reduce before surgery, Swayman will continue eye drops for four more weeks.
Both boys have been very good sports about wearing their cones. In fact, they feel like they are rockin’ their new look and want to ask their supporters – who wears it best?
Still to come for both boys is their neuter surgery – but we haven’t told them that yet.
The cost of surgery: $5372.22, which does not include Swayman’s second surgery.
As you can see, BTRC foster Swayman has taken advantage of all the cozy spots in his foster home – his human’s lap, BTRC alum Wall-e’s bed and the couch cushions. Ever so patient, foster brother Wall-e isn’t too miffed. He understands that the new pup in town needs to be given some slack as he’s still learning the lay of the land. He also takes advantage of Swayman’s copious amounts of naps as this means more toy and treat time for Wall-e!
It seems like all that rest will come in handy for Swayman’s upcoming vet appointments. During his last visit he tested positive for giardia, a common intestinal parasite especially prevalent in puppies. The vet prescribed medication, and Swayman is still his cheerful self. Nothing seems to get in the way of his quest to claim everything in his foster home as his own!
He will also need his cherry eye repaired and to be neutered.
Swayman is being fostered in the Niagara Region of Ontario and is not yet ready for adoption.
Sprung from a shelter along with his littermate, this adorable BT mix is settling into his foster home. Though he was understandably nervous upon arriving, his new foster brother, BTRC alum Wall-E, was quick to show him the ropes. Swayman was thrilled to have a playmate, and surprisingly, our senior boy Wall-E has been keeping up with his four-month-old companion!
Swayman has been inducted into BTRC’s notorious Cherry Eye Repair Club and needs to be neutered, so he has some vet appointments coming up. While he waits, he’s going to try and figure out how to repair his foster home’s screen door. No one told him that you must wait until the door opens before you charge through at full force!
Stay tuned, Swayman’s littermate will be introduced soon!
Swayman is being fostered in the Niagara Region of Ontario and is not yet ready for adoption.