I've found my furever family!


We're happy to tell you that Rocco has a new furever home.
Please visit our Available Dogs Page to see the pups currently available.

Rocco was adopted on
February 22, 2024

Rocco is home!

Rocco has been adopted and he couldn’t be happier! His forever family said that when they saw his adoption post, they knew he was the one for them – and Rocco agrees.

Upon arriving home, he got right down to business:

✔scatter the living room toys

✔run around the backyard

✔sit down with a chewie

✔snuggle up to his family

Congrats to Rocco – it sounds like a true happily-ever-after! ❤


Next up for adoption - the fabulous ROCCO!

Rocco is a handsome Boston Terrier-English Bulldog mix who turned 3 in January. He’s a faithful sidekick who’s happy to join you on any adventure or to enjoy quiet snuggle time together. A fair-weather walker, he loves to stroll the neighbourhood when it’s not too wet. But, on the other paw, this active boy has no qualms about a dip in the lake followed by a relaxing bask in the sun.

Rocco is an excellent travel companion and is always ready to go, whether it’s a ride to the campground or the ophthalmologist in downtown Toronto. Although he has required a lot of care for his eyes, everything is fully healed. Rocco is now being introduced to wearing dog googles to help protect his eyes in future (while looking ridiculously cool at the same time!).

Rocco is comfortable around everyone and believes all who greet him must be rewarded with many of his wonderful kisses! Rocco’s Boston Terrier enthusiasm can overrule his bulldog size, however, and at 40 lbs., his foster has been working to discourage his habit of jumping up to say hello. For this reason, Rocco is best suited for an active, adult-only home or one with older children who are sturdy on their feet. 

Rocco lives with his foster family as the only dog, but he’s comfortable around other dogs he has met. We suspect he would do well with a canine sibling. Though he hasn’t been tested with cats, Rocco did live with two birds in his previous home. 

While Rocco is not crate-trained, he is not destructive when left alone, and his foster family returns from their outings to find him relaxing on the couch. When left, he may sing for a short while to let his people know he’s still at home and that perhaps they forgot to take him along. His pitch-perfect voice is better suited for a detached house, as neighbours sharing walls might not appreciate his solo performances. He’s happiest with his people, so he hopes to find a family he can be with more often than not.

Rocco’s favourite place to sleep is the human bed, and he won’t stir until his foster family is awake. Even then, he needs some encouragement to get out of bed. If you enjoy a good lie-in, then Rocco is your man! He’s fully housetrained, microchipped, and has received all necessary vetting. 

If you’re looking for an adaptable, loving, and entertaining dog who will steal your heart, then Rocco is the perfect fit.



Dear Diary,

I’m lovestruck! With Valentine’s Day coming up, I feel pressure to choose “the one.” But with so many BTRC cuties, how do I choose?

Charlie is a redhead like me, and I can’t resist her ever-so-slight ear flop. She looks at me with such intensity and I feel a magnetism I just can’t explain.

Porsha is a sophisticated lady. She’s quiet but knows what she wants. Her mysteriousness keeps me on my toes!

Stella has a head tilt that would make any dog’s heart flutter. She’s part Frenchie, which means her stubborn streak makes her play hard to get. I love the chase!

I can’t stop daydreaming – my foster dad says I’m behind on my chores and need to snap out of la la land. On the other hand, I’m adoptable now, so that means I’m on the market…maybe I should keep my options open because who knows what the future holds?


Birthday Boy!

Today is a special day for Rocco – he is three years old! He’s going to spend his time doing his favourite things – some playtime, a good snack and some extra long snuggles. He had hoped for a nice long walk, but with today’s blustery, snowy weather he’s decided to put that on hold. (He may be only part Boston Terrier, but that part definitely wants to stay warm by the fireplace).

Rocco even plans to join in when his foster parents sing his birthday song – rumour has it, he has some serious serenading skills!

Rocco has even more to celebrate – a recent specialist appointment has confirmed that his eyes are fully healed!

Happy Birthday, Rocco!

Rocco is being fostered in the Waterloo Region of Ontario and will soon be ready for adoption. Stay tuned!


Hi Santa Paws!

I am so excited that you are coming soon. I was talking to my foster dad because I was worried you didn’t know where I lived because it’s different from last Christmas. My foster dad says that I don’t have to worry – that you will always know where I live no matter what.

I want to tell you all the things I’ve done this year to be a good boy. I let my foster dad give me eye drops and Santa, there are so many eye drops! I had to wear my cone for a very long time and I didn’t complain once. But there is one even bigger thing, Santa – the very best and biggest thing that will get me on your “good” list. My bravery. In the middle of the night, I had to visit a special doctor to help save my eyesight. I even had surgery on both my eyes. I was worried but my foster dad was with me and that gave me courage.

Is it okay if I ask you for two things for Christmas, Santa? I don’t want to ask for too much, but it’s so hard to choose. I have two friends – BTRC foster Mia and BTRC foster Thelma who need eye surgery too. Can you give them the gift of bravery? I know your elves can’t make that in their workshop, but hopefully you can work your magic because bravery really helped me.

My second wish is for you to make sure my foster dad is on your nice list. He loves me so much and will do anything for me, so I want him to have a great Christmas. ❤

Thanks, Santa.

P.S. I always try to stay awake to sneak a peek at you and with my new and improved eyes, this year I might get the chance!


Eye Update

We know he looks like he just took part in a boxing match, but our Rocco really has been in a fight – a fight to save his eyesight.

When Rocco came to rescue, he was being treated for an eye ulcer. Rocco was receiving eye medications on a strict schedule, but the ulcer was “indolent”, meaning it was slow-healing. (These are also known as “Boxer ulcers” but with the number of BTRC dogs needing eye care, we’re considering petitioning for a breed name change.)

At a recheck appointment, Rocco’s general practice vet noted that the ulcer had worsened, so Rocco and his foster dad were off on a middle-of-the-night road trip to an emergency and referral hospital to see an ophthalmology specialist. Diagnosed with a corneal rupture, Rocco was sent home with 10 different topical and oral medications to be administered around the clock until surgery could be performed on Tuesday, October 3rd.

Rocco underwent a successful graft to halt the progression of the ulcer and to bring blood vessels carrying cells and antibodies directly to the ulcer to promote healing. As he was already under the care of a board-certified ophthalmologist, surgery to repair his bilateral cherry eyes was done at the same time. We’re hopeful that both procedures will heal quickly and completely.

Sent home with antibiotics and pain meds –– and the dreaded cone –– Rocco is doing well despite his beat-up appearance. He’s eating, sleeping, going out for brief walks, and receiving lots of extra attention and the best care. To Rocco’s incredible foster dad, for getting Rocco where he needed to be, for following the grueling medication schedule, and for providing Rocco with a loving and safe environment to get well, we can’t thank you enough.

And thanks to you, our supporters, who make it possible for BTRC to provide this specialized and costly veterinary care. Rocco would not have received this surgery without your kindness and generous donations.


Rocco is catching some rays!

Rocco has been a busy boy since coming to BTRC. He gets excited for car rides – especially when the destination is his foster family’s trailer. You will often find Rocco in a sunny spot enjoying some quiet time in cottage country. Rocco enjoys playtime but appreciates snuggle time just as much. He walks well on a leash and has a little bounce in his step as he trots! Rocco loves television and when we asked him what his favourite show was, he said, “Anything as long as I am sitting next to foster dad.”

One thing Rocco doesn’t love are his eye drops. Rocco is a good sport and because of these drops, we are happy to report that his eye ulcer is improving! Next up is an appointment with a specialist for his cherry eyes.

Rocco – make sure to soak up as much sun as you can because fall is just around the corner!

Rocco is being fostered in the Waterloo Region of Ontario and is not yet ready for adoption.


Welcome Rocco!

This handsome Boston Terrier-English Bulldog mix is the newest member of the BTRC family. Rocco was a much-loved member of his family and the decision to surrender him was heartbreaking. However, because Rocco’s medical needs were beyond his family’s means, they knew that surrendering him to BTRC would ensure that he receives the medical treatment he needs.

Rocco is a well-mannered, loving, and interactive boy. His foster dad reports that he has been great on walks. When dogs bark at him, he simply stops, looks and moves on. His calm and collected demeanor even extends to squirrels and bunnies. It seems that Rocco doesn’t have the typical Boston-Terrier prey drive!

At 2-years-old, Rocco still has the energy of a puppy! He is playful and goofy and loves meeting new people. He finds kissing people hard to resist – but that is no surprise as Rocco also seems pretty irresistible! ❤

We look forward to getting to know more about Rocco as he settles into his foster home.

Rocco is being fostered in the Waterloo Region of Ontario and is not yet ready for adoption.

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