I'm not quite ready to go to my new home.


I'm in the Recovery Room - I'll Be Available Soon

Need a bath? Want some love? Then foster Mamie is your gal!

It’s no secret that Mamie is not a fan of the cold, so she’s been spending more time indoors. While snuggling with foster siblings, Azalea and alum Herb, she’s taken up a new hobby – grooming!  Mamie knows that Spring is coming and that’s when all the best smells emerge and they meet up with friends on their hiking trails, so everyone needs to look their best! She’s quite proud of her skills – her siblings look and feel great after their gold star spa sessions!

P.S. Set for Life Stitch has yet to receive the royal treatment, but Mamie’s keeping her ‘eye’ on him for the next one. 

Mamie is being fostered in Halifax, NS and is not yet ready for adoption.

Dear Valentine,

You came into my life in August and just like summer, you made me feel warm and you brightened my day.

I felt connected to you right away – maybe it’s because you’re blind like me and you understand what life is like without vision. I admire your tenacity and how nothing gets in your way. When we go on hikes, you charge forward and boldly sniff your way through the trail. I like to stay behind mom, but knowing you’re in front of me gives me even more confidence.

Now that it’s cold, you don’t like to walk, but that’s okay because you like to snuggle. It makes me feel special when you join me in my doggy bed. Mom has so many places to sleep around the house and when you choose the spot next to me, my heart fills with so much love.

Thank you, Mamie, for being the bestest friend I could ask for. The day I met you, my life changed…I hope yours did too. 

Love, Stitch


P.S. Thanks for suggesting the help of AI to write letters! I used to do voice to text, but this new app is awesome! You’re a smart cookie, Mamie!

Mamie – The Queen of Stinkeye and Spunk!

They say a blind dog can do anything their sighted counterpart can, and Mamie is living proof! Despite having both eyes removed, she’s perfected the art of the “no-eye stinkeye” and communicates her opinions just as clearly (and hilariously) as any sighted Boston Terrier on the planet.

Case in point: Mamie recently decided that cold weather walks are absolutely not her thing. Her response? A dramatic protest of complete immobility... unless someone stopped to pet her. Suddenly, she’d burst with energy – jumping up to say hi, following them enthusiastically, and proving she’s more than physically capable. But as soon as they left, it was back to her no-walk policy.

Mamie, we love your sass and determination! You’re an inspiration to Boston Terriers and stinkeye specialists everywhere. Keep shining, superstar!

Mamie is being fostered in Halifax, NS and is not yet ready for adoption.


Derr Santa Paws,

It me Stitch, I help Mamie write her letter to you. I see little bit but Mamie have no eyes so she see nothing! Dis what Mamie has to say to you.

“Hi Santa Paws,

My name is Mamie or at least that’s what these kind humans call me. I can’t lie, Santa, this year started off hard! You see, I got a little lost. I’m blind so getting lost can easily happen. I ended up in a very loud, cold, uncomfortable place. I waited for my family to come find me, but they never came. I was sad and I was scared but then BTRC found me.

I took a little trip and ended up in Halifax with my new friend Stitch who you know and his brother and sister, Herb and Azalea. I did not feel very good – my eyes hurt a lot, I had a bad cold and a sore mouth to name a few. It got worse before it got better but BTRC, my vet team and my foster family never gave up on me. My yucky eyes and teeth are gone and antibiotics made me feel better too. Now, like Stitch, I feel so good and strong. I find my way around with memory, I love adventures with my service human and really love cuddles and snacks (both together if possible). I didn’t ask for any of this but somehow the universe was looking out for me. I’m not sure I would be here today without BTRC let alone living my best life at ten years old!

I don’t know what to ask for, Santa, because I have already been given so much. I know soon I need to look for my forever home, so I hope that someone out there is ready to love me as much as my foster family loves me. I hope that people can see how amazing any special needs dog can be and give them a chance; we all deserve a loving home.

Please keep supporting BTRC to help dogs like me! And on a less humble note, I wouldn’t be sad if a fuzzy bed or fish snacks showed up under the tree.

Love, Mamie”

♥ Mamie, a blind senior, was found as a stray. She was sick and in pain and BTRC was able to get her the emergency vet care she so desperately needed. Please help us continue to do the life-changing work that has saved dogs like Mamie and consider decorating our Holiday Giving Tree. http://www.bostonterrierrescuecanada.com/giving-tree-2024

BTRC foster Mamie has recovered from her double enucleation, and with the way she moves, you wouldn’t know she is blind! She uses her other senses to explore her foster home and the great outdoors, and we have nicknamed her “Mamie the Explorer” as she is determined to find her way on her own.

With three foster siblings (including Set for Life Stitch and BTRC alum Herb), Mamie’s home is a busy one and she has adapted well. Visiting dogs are sometimes greeted with a bit of sass, but she can be easily redirected. Mamie claims that her age and wisdom have earned her the right to be a little bossy. 

On a recent hike, Mamie was enamoured with the new environment and the smells were intoxicating! Her foster mom was unsure of how Mamie would do, as it was her first hike and she was with three other dogs. She was pleasantly surprised to see Mamie assertively marching forward as part of the group.

Mamie has come such a long way since arriving in BTRC’s care. In addition to her eye surgery, she’s had a dental, lump removal and treatment for aspiration pneumonia. Nothing seems to get this spirited senior down, and she is determined to live her golden years with an obvious zest for life. ❤

Mamie is being fostered in Halifax, NS and will soon be ready for adoption.

Total cost of Mamie’s care to date: $8320.69

BTRC welcomes Mamie!

Mamie was transferred from a shelter as an unclaimed stray. This sweet senior is fully blind and now, out of the shelter, is relieved to be safe in a loving foster home.

Mamie is quite daring in her approach to navigation – her motto is “dive right in!” She is getting to know her new surroundings, including the resident animals. So far, she can’t decide what her favourite spot is – her fluffy bed or sun tanning on the grass.

Her initial vet visit determined Mamie has arthritis and desperately needs some dental work. Her eyes were also in rough shape it was likely that removing both would be necessary. We were not prepared how soon, however, as within only a few days of being in her foster home, Mamie was rushed to the ER because one of her eyes was bleeding significantly. An enucleation was performed on that eye and unfortunately, the vet didn’t recommend continuing with the removal of the other eye, as Mamie lost a lot of blood. Understandably, Mamie was out of sorts after surgery, but she is happy to be recovering in the comfort of her foster home. ❤

Mamie has only been in our care for a short time, but her bills have already amounted to over $6000. To help raise funds to cover the cost of Mamie’s care, we have a big auction coming and we will share the information soon.

Mamie is being fostered in Halifax, NS and is not yet ready to be considered for adoption.

  • Boston Terrier
  • Female
  • Senior (109+ Months)My DoB is 08/22/2014 (Estimated)
  • 21 - 30 Pounds
  • Nova Scotia
  • Black and White
  • $ 450.00

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