

Today, August 28, is Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day and we are deeply saddened to share the loss of our beloved Lilly.

Lilly came to BTRC in December 2023 and from the moment Lilly arrived in foster care, she was loved beyond measure. Her foster mom would repeatedly refer to Lilly as a gift and treated her like a precious treasure.

Lilly received essential medical care and plenty of TLC. With medication, her eyes were no longer red or painful, and despite her arthritis, she became more mobile. She could walk up the stairs on her own and enjoyed zipping through the backyard in the snow paths her foster mom created. Lilly had a unique habit of never peeing in the same spot twice; even if her foster mom covered it with fresh snow, Lilly would turn her nose up at the ‘used’ area and hunt for a new spot to make her mark. 

Watching Lilly transform from a timid, withdrawn dog into an enthusiastic doorbell greeter was a true joy. She warmly welcomed everyone who visited the home, including a stray cat who she quickly befriended. Her favourite game was chase – she’d run with a squeaky toy in her mouth, enticing her mom to catch her. Despite her vision impairment, Lilly had impeccable hearing, detecting the fridge opening from the second floor and hiding treats in the couch for later. She also loved the outdoors and would have stayed out all day if she could.

Looking back on Lilly’s journey, her foster mom remarked, “When she first arrived, I was not sure she would be with us for very long at all. Each morning, I awoke hoping she made it through the night, although those first days I slept with one eye open. She has an amazing little spirit…she is a gift for us and is just the sweetest little love.”

Lilly was diagnosed with mild valve disease, cardiac muscle thickening, and a mass on the base of her heart. While her health was stable for most of her eight months with BTRC, sadly, she recently began to deteriorate. Her liver, spleen, and heart became enlarged, and her protein levels dropped.

During Lilly’ last few days, her foster mom said, “I’m so grateful to you all for giving her to me to care for; so grateful for all the care you make available for her; so grateful to the medical teams that really do care for her. Whether she has one hour, one day, one week or one year, her ease has been everyone’s gift to her.” Lilly was lovingly indulged with all her favourite (and some previously forbidden) treats and continued to enjoy her daily walks. She was allowed to explore as far as she wanted, and when she grew tired, her mom carried her home. Lilly also adored her foster mom’s grandchildren. When stairs became a challenge, they always carried her as she made it clear that wherever they were, Lilly also needed to be. ❤

Her foster mom shared, “I have been so privileged to have been able to love her and have her love for me grow. I know she belonged to all of you, just as much to me, and how she came to me is amazing. So gentle, loving, and with so many obstacles, she just loved everyone she met.”

Lilly’s foster mom often thanked the rescue for the opportunity to care for Lilly, calling us heroes. Yet she never acknowledged her own vital role in giving Lilly a loving home and family. Thank you for ensuring Lilly felt cherished every moment she was with you. She left for the Rainbow Bridge knowing just how much she was loved.

And to Lilly, sweet girl—you will always be remembered, missed, and never forgotten. ❤


Lilly is lookin’ lovely!

Today, Friday July 26, 2024, is National Dog Photography Day and we thought it was the perfect opportunity to share the images from BTRC foster Lilly’s photoshoot, generously donated by High Four Pet Photography in Saskatoon.

As you can see, Lilly is a natural in front of a lens and this sweet senior knows all of her good angles (though it could very well be argued that all sides are pretty darn perfect!).


Lilly is laying low!

When she first arrived to BTRC, foster Lilly’s initial exam indicated she had heart issues, so a trip to see a cardiologist was needed for an echocardiogram. Lilly was diagnosed with mild degenerative disease of the valves and mild thickening of the cardiac muscle. Fortunately, these conditions are not life threatening, and her activity level doesn’t need to be limited.

It was also found that Lilly has cardiac neoplasia – a mass on the base of her heart. This type of mass is suspected to be a chemodectoma and does not typically metastasize. It is also not causing any clinical signs, so it was determined that Lilly was fit to undergo anesthesia for a much-needed dental procedure.

With 14 teeth removed, Lilly will soon be feeling much better. The condition of her mouth meant she was likely living with a lot of pain, and we are happy she will finally feel some relief. Lilly’s gentle and loving disposition, despite her sore mouth, is a testament to how sweet this senior truly is. ❤

For now, Lilly is enjoying the extra snuggles from her foster mom and thinks the idea of mushy kibble is the work of a culinary genius. 


Lilly has another admirer!

BTRC foster Lilly received a package in the mail and inside was a beautiful dress. A BTRC supporter, Michelle B., bid on the dress during one of our auctions and gifted it to our sweet senior girl. Lilly is very thankful for her gift and so are we. ❤ Lilly wore the dress to her echocardiogram appointment and as predicted, turned many heads! Rumour has it that Lilly’s bum wiggle has gotten more intense with the addition of her new couture. 

Since coming into BTRC’s care, Lilly’s feeling a lot better. Her arthritis medication has increased her mobility and she can use the stairs on her own. Her eyes are no longer red and inflamed. Lilly enjoys walks, has a great appetite and her foster mom says, ‘She has an amazing little spirit.” Once we have her cardiology results, we will make sure to post an update.

We are so appreciative of everyone’s support of this deserving senior.


Dearest Nelson,

The dating scene here in Saskatchewan is slim pickins so a few of my friends encouraged me to go online. Scrolling through the BTRC dating app, I got a bit discouraged. It was full of young pups who didn’t seem ready to settle down, and weren’t fussy about whose butt they sniffed. I’ve been looking for a distinguished fella – one who knows what he wants and won’t play games (aside from tug that is).

Then it happened – a BTRC match! At first glance, I knew you were the one. Silver, blind and senior. I swiped right faster than I gobble up my supper! 

Every time I look at your picture, my heart skips a beat – but my vet says that I need to be careful because of my heart murmur, so I’ve had to limit my screen time. My friends say I need to slide into your DMs, but that sounds like it might hurt and I’m not very mobile anymore. So, because I’m a traditional gal, I decided to write you this letter instead.

Nelson, we can navigate the world paw in paw, with fuzzy vision and open hearts. Will you do me the honour and be my Valentine?




Dear Santa Paws,

Wow! The holidays have been really nice. I see that I didn’t even need to tell you that my address changed – you found me! Thanks, Santa.

I have a foster family who I adore. My foster mom told me that I was her favourite gift for Christmas. She keeps telling me how lucky she is to be my foster mom. But you know what, Santa? I feel like the lucky one. My foster family makes me feel so safe. I can tell they love me a lot.

As you can see, I was spoiled for Christmas. Thank your elves for making all those stuffies. I have a feeling my foster family was behind some of those gifts too.  •ᴗ• My foster mom told me that there’s a group of volunteers called BTRC and they’re helping her take care of me. They even posted my picture on social media as a new member of their family. Two people who saw me there gave me the most special blankets – I like to snuggle with one on top and one underneath! Another person reached out to BTRC and donated specifically to help pay for my medication. So many people care about me, Santa – this is the greatest gift of all. ❤

Santa, I know Christmas has passed and you already gave me all my gifts, but I wanted to ask you if you could sprinkle some courage my way every now and then? I heard my foster mom say something about my heart and needing to see a special doctor. I know I’m in good hands, but sometimes I still need a bravery boost.

With 2024 coming, I’m looking forward to many more snuggles and new experiences.

Thanks for listening, Santa.

Love, Lilly

P.S. You can also call me “Sweetest Little Love” because that’s what my foster mom calls me. I will happily answer to that!


Lilly has a new pad!

Lilly was discovered in an online ad. Her owner was rehoming her because they could not afford her medical care. A concerned and generous supporter wanted to ensure Lilly got the attention she needed, and BTRC agreed to help.

The main concern given was Lilly’s eyes, but she also has a little pot belly that could point to Cushing’s or heart disease. Her teeth are in bad shape, and while we don’t want to embarrass her unnecessarily, her breath makes it hard to accept all those kisses she’s so willing to give!  

Lilly has an appointment with the vet this week, and we’ll share what we learn. Meanwhile, this sweetheart of a girl is happily settling into her new surroundings. 

Located in Saskatchewan, Lilly is not yet ready to be considered for adoption.

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