I've found my furever family!


We're happy to tell you that Bella has a new furever home.
Please visit our Available Dogs Page to see the pups currently available.

Bella was adopted on
January 5, 2024.

Bella is home!

We have an exciting announcement – our first adoption of 2024 – Bella!

Bella and her family have had nothing but smiles since she joined her new home in early January. Known for her energy and spunk, Bella is a perfect match for her human sister, Ella. (Bella and Ella – has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? ❤).

Mom tells us that “Bella has settled in perfectly. She has made herself right at home. We are so happy to have her in our family. Thank you for choosing us.”

Bella has asked us to remind everyone that her brother Rebel is still waiting for adoption. If you’d like to give Rebel a happily-ever-after like Bella, please read his bio and complete the adoption.


Beautiful Bella is looking for her happily-ever-after.

Bella was given the nickname “Mouse,” by her foster mom because of her soft belly and adorable oversized ears. She is a sweet and loving companion who adores her humans and welcomes any chance at a good cuddle. She will even climb into your arms for a great big hug. Unlike some dogs, Bella enjoys being held – anything that keeps her close to her humans is welcome!

Bella has her snuggly quiet side but is also a ball of energy! You wouldn’t guess that she is almost 10-years-old and she has no trouble keeping up with her younger brother, BTRC foster Rebel. She enjoys playing in the yard with her toys and other canine companions. Bella recently had a staycation where she was with three other male dogs. They complained that she was being bossy and Bella vehemently denies this allegation. She says that she simply “commands the attention of a room,” especially when other canines are in her presence.  She is as cute as a button and doesn’t let anyone push her around!  Because of her assertiveness, Bella would do well with being the one and only dog in her forever home or with a patient and calm canine sibling. Her brother Rebel is also up for adoption. Perhaps you have room for two in your life?

Bella appreciates the simple things in life like rolling in the grass, snoozing under a comfy blanket or basking in the sun. Her main goal is to find someone to love her as intently as she loves others. Bella has a gentle disposition with people and enjoys the company of all ages so a home with dog savvy children would be suitable. She considers herself an A+ cuddler and hopes to find someone she can nestle next to for years to come. Bella even tucks herself in at the end of a long day and lets everyone know when it’s bedtime. This girl needs her beauty sleep, as she takes her duty as the family alarm clock very seriously. She will make sure you know it is morning and that a new and wonderful day has started! Because of her bouts of barking, a detached home is best for Bella.

Bella prefers her travels be on foot. She does well on a leash and doesn’t pull. She can be anxious in the car, and while this is improving, her forever family will need to continue to work with Bella on building her confidence.

Bella understands basic commands, is fully house trained, microchipped and has received all necessary vetting. Her preferred bedtime location is on the couch, where you will likely find her sleeping belly up. Bella was surrendered because she was left alone for long periods of time, so she hopes her forever family will be home more often than not. In her previous home, Bella stood on guard watching for backyard critters (including cats), so she is seeking a feline-free home.

If you are looking for an affectionate and loyal snuggle bug, Bella is for you!


Note: From the time applications are opened, through the selection and screening process, adoptions can take approximately three weeks to finalize. We thank everyone who takes the time to apply, but only those who best fit each dog’s requirements in a forever home will be contacted for an interview.


Dear Santa Paws,

It’s us, “the twins,” Rebel and Bella. We’ve been working so hard this year to be the very best little girl and boy. Our foster mom says that we’re so well behaved, we didn’t even fuss when she wanted to dress us up for our pictures to send you!

We both have the very same wish and it’s for a home and a human to call our very own. Our Foster mom showed us all the pictures that she took of us, and we really hope our future family sees them and can’t resist just how cute we really are!

We know that a forever home is a big ask so if that’s not possible just yet, Rebel would still like some more information on his biological family and ancestral roots. Rebel likes to sing so a karaoke machine might be cool. Bella would love a nice fluffy blanket to cuddle up in or a nice new bone for us both to chew on (we don’t mind sharing).

Thanks Santa Paws!

Rebel and Bella


Belly-Up Bella Basking in the Sun

As you can see, BTRC Foster Bella looks quite content. You wouldn’t know that she was sharing a space with three other dogs and two children. Her staycation home, while her fosters were away, was a busy one! This did not bother Bella – as long as she can find a sweet snuggle spot, she is happy in her surroundings. During her time away, she chose the resident 10-year-old human’s lap as her preferred location. During their chats, he filled her in on what double digit life will look like when she turns 10 in December. Bella is excited for the new things that this new age brings (perhaps being settled in her forever home?) ❤

It took Bella some time to warm up to her new roommates, BTRC Alum Wall-E and Professional BTRC Foster Brother Steve. Her “twin” Rebel was more easy-going, but as is the case with two siblings, isn’t there usually a feistier one? Bella claims that she was just making sure that Wall-E and Steve understood who was boss. We are happy to report that the dogs quickly warmed to each other and enjoyed their new (though short) living arrangements. Wall-E and Stevie did, however, retreat upstairs at times because their new houseguests talked too much for their liking. The “twins” are definitely chatterboxes!

Bella is being fostered in the Niagara Region of Ontario and will soon be ready for adoption – stay tuned!


Bella and Rebel are up to some mischief!

Our sweet and snuggly siblings, Rebel and Bella, love to do everything together – sleep, play, snuggle, relax – and, like many siblings, have sneaky conversations out of earshot from their foster mom (more on that later!).

Since coming into BTRC’s care, Rebel and Bella have both:

  • improved their leash walking
  • been committed to healthy diets and exercise
  • recovered well from their medical procedures
  • met new furry friends
  • become less anxious during car rides

Rebel and Bella have so many similarities, they basically consider themselves twins. On top of this, their foster mom replaced Bella’s pink collar and Rebel’s blue collar with matching red collars. Rebel and Bella think this is hilarious – now without their different coloured collars, how will people ever tell them apart? LOL

They have been scheming behind their foster mom’s back and are engineering an identity swap. They are giddy thinking about all the fun they will have.

Rebel and Bella seem so excited about their “Parent Trap,” that we don’t have the heart to tell them…

Rebel and Bella are being fostered in the Niagara Region of Ontario and are not ready to be considered for adoption


June 2023 Update

BTRC fosters Rebel and Bella are having a blast in their foster home! They are both very playful and love frolicking in the yard. They enjoy their daily walks as much as they enjoy their snooze time. Rebel is vocal in the evenings, but with regular reminders from his foster mom, he is learning that nighttime means quiet time.

Rebel’s neuter surgery has been scheduled and a hernia will be repaired at the same time. He has a lump on his leg that will be examined and both dogs will also undergo dental exams.

While it might gross out the general public, dog people know to pay attention to their dog’s poop. Our observant foster mom noticed some white grain-like creepy crawlers while on dog doody pick up duty, which turned out to be tapeworms. While definitely gross, the common tapeworm rarely causes serious health issues in adult dogs. Tapeworms are caused when a dog swallows a flea infected with a tapeworm larvae. Rebel and Bella are being treated with dewormer and like all BTRC fosters, are now on a monthly parasite prevention to prevent future infection.

Each day, Rebel and Bella show more of their personalities. Rebel has proven to be a patient brother and Bella the typical bossy older sister. When we asked Rebel how he felt about the situation, he said, “Having an annoying sibling is just part of growing up, isn’t it?” Don’t worry, Rebel, you’re not alone. Many of us can relate!

Rebel and Bella are being fostered in the Niagara Region of Ontario and are not ready to be considered for adoption.


Introducing Bella (and Rebel!)

Bella came to BTRC along with Rebel. Both were surrendered because changes to their owner’s work schedule meant they were being left alone for long periods of time. The difficult decision was made to surrender them so they could get the time and attention they deserve.

Bella is a 10-year-old Boston Terrier and Rebel is a 9-year-old Boston Terrier/Pug mix (with potentially a sprinkling of Beagle in there too). Their foster mom says they have enjoyed some time outside, exploring all the new smells in the yard. Rebel has already lived up to his name, pulling hard on walks in anticipation of the exciting things he might discover. Both Rebel and Bella can be described, politely, as a tad ‘chunky’ – although Bella insists she is not overweight, simply big-boned! So more exercise will be good for their physiques as well as for learning better leash manners.

We will have lots more to share as we get to know this cute pair. For now, we are allowing them time to adjust to their new surroundings.

Bella and Rebel are being fostered in the Niagara Region of Ontario and are not ready to be considered for adoption.

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