Companies That Care

Shop from these great companies and your purchase will support BTRC!

Animal Wellness Magazine

Use the special code AWA031 when you order your subscription or cookbook and they will donate 25% of the price to us.

Bumblebee Jewelry

Visit bumblebee jewelry and enter ‘BTRC’ in the ‘message to sender’ box at checkout and BTRC qualifies for the 15% sale donation!

Mabel’s Labels

Under the “Support A Fundraiser” tab, select Boston Terrier Rescue Canada (Toronto) and 20% of your purchase will be donated to BTRC. It’s that easy!

        Found Me!
Found Me!
Painted Memories by Jennifer

Jennifer will donate 25% to BTRC when you order your custom painted pet portrait. Just quote BTRC when you place your order!


35% of each purchase will be automatically donated to BTRC when orders are made through our unique link. Supporters can also choose to donate to BTRC by selecting our logo from the partners list on the TagsForHope website.


Shop from BTRC’s LINK using the coupon code BTRC15OFF and you will receive 15% OFF your order + Tag4MyPet will donate 20% of your purchase back to BTRC!


10% of your purchase will be donated to BTRC upon selecting Boston Terrier Rescue Canada as your rescue of choice at checkout.

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