Set For Life Dogs


The Ana-Maria Davies Memorial
Set for Life Program

The Ana-Maria Davies Memorial Set for Life Program is a life-saver for dogs considered unadoptable, primarily due to advanced age or medical conditions. With proper care, these dogs can still enjoy a good quality of life. Even though others may have given up on them, our Rescue promises each Set for Life dog that they will be cared for and loved for the rest of their lives.

Each dog in our Set for Life program lives in a permanent foster home. Although we use the term “foster,” these dogs have found their forever homes and are much-loved family members.

It’s a partnership in caring. BTRC takes full financial responsibility for the dog’s veterinary treatment and other necessary expenses throughout their life, and the family provides all the TLC. Our third partner is YOU – your generosity and compassion allow us to continue to make a real difference in the lives of these deserving dogs.

Without someone willing to provide for these dogs in their sunset years, the only other option would be euthanasia. That’s why we urge you to help us so that we can commit to providing everything possible to keep these dogs happy, healthy, and loved. Ongoing medical costs for Set for Life dogs do strain our resources, and we never want to be forced to turn a dog away when we may be their last chance.

Want to help? Make a one-time gift or choose to give monthly.


Named for the beloved Betty White, BTRC’s Betty has overcome significant health issues and no longer resembles the sick and haunted stray who came into rescue’s care in January of 2023. Even though her recovery, and resilience, have been remarkable, she does have chronic kidney disease, most likely from the fact she went without medical treatment for so long. Betty’s health will always need to be carefully monitored and managed. For this reason, she is now part of our Set for Life program.

You can read more of Betty’s remarkable story by clicking on her picture below.


When Stitch first arrived to rescue, he had been diagnosed with hydrocephalus which caused hearing and vision impairment.

Given his medical history and physical limitations, and the fact that the right match in an adoptive home proved elusive, it was decided that Stitch would join our Set for Life program. Stitch will now live out his life in his foster home. As far as Stitch is concerned, he's just forever home.

Read more about Stitch’s rescue journey by clicking on his picture below.


Due to the combination of a chronic medical condition (glaucoma), and some challenging behaviours, it was decided that Thomas would remain as a Set for Life foster. You can read the story of Thomas’s rescue journey by clicking on his photo below.

With his forever foster family providing the TLC, BTRC will offer ongoing training support and cover the financial costs for his veterinary care. Managing glaucoma can be expensive: With medications, routine checkups (specialists, like an ophthalmologist, usually tend to run higher in cost), the costs can quickly add up. BTRC will also cover routine vet care such as annual check-ups, vaccinations, parasite preventative, etc. as well as any necessary urgent care.

At present, we estimate Thomas’s monthly expenses at $340.00 based on his vetting during the past year.


Nikky arrived with severe skin issues, including itchy bald spots and crusty patches caused by deep infections from overgrown yeast and bacteria. She also suffers from dry eye, which untreated, added to her discomfort.

Through diligent care, Nikky’s skin has significantly improved. She will, however, continue to need periodic medicated baths, topical treatment, a special prescription diet, and anti-itch medication to manage her allergies. Two medications to address her eye condition will be required lifelong.

Despite significant hearing and vision loss, Nikky has flourished under the care of her foster family. Recognizing her remarkable progress and considering her age and specific needs, we are happy to officially welcome Nikky into our Set for Life program. And Nikky is happy to know that she is forever home.

You can learn more about Nikky by clicking on her photo below.

If you would like to sponsor BETTY, STITCH, THOMAS or NIKKY and support their ongoing care, please visit
Set for Life DONATE to make your one-time or monthly tax-deductible donation.

BTRC is grateful to all who make helping great dogs like these possible!


Location: Ottawa, Ontario

Boston Terrier
8 Years Old

Location: Clinton, ON

Boston Terrier
12 Years Old

Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia

Boston Terrier Mix
4 Years Old

Location: near Miramichi, New Brunswick

Boston Terrier
11 Years Old

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