I've found my furever family!


We're happy to tell you that Charolette has a new furever home.
Please visit our Available Dogs Page to see the pups currently available.

International Blind Dog Day

August 23 is International Blind Dog Day. Today honours dogs with impaired vision – not for what they lack, but for all they offer and can do. Dogs are resilient – BTRC foster Charolette is an example of how a pup’s absence of sight does not limit their ability to be a happy, active dog.

There are many strategies to help a blind dog navigate their surroundings. Their other senses help them map out and explore their surroundings so consider textures (like rugs and mats), smells (scavenger hunts) and sounds (bells and toys). A halo is a dog’s very own bumper pad which can help avoid head bonks. The best strategy of all is to remember that a blind pup is capable of so much! It’s clear that Charolette’s lack of sight has not stopped her from living a full life!

To all the blind dogs – today is your day. Thank you for bringing joy, fun and love into so many lives. ❤

Hello Charolette!

Charolette was surrendered because her family’s circumstances changed and they wanted to make sure she received the time and attention she deserved. So, as difficult as it was, her family knew that BTRC would do their very best to find her the perfect match in a forever home.

This eight-year-old girl is full of spunk and always ready to walk or play. Charolette is partially blind due to a dog attack when she was younger, but she easily navigates her surroundings. She can often be found napping (with her beloved rope toy in her arms) and is warming up to her foster family and new surroundings.

We look forward to getting to know Charolette and will update you after her upcoming vet appointment.

Charolette is being fostered in the Greater Toronto Area and is not yet ready to be considered for adoption.

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