I'm not quite ready to go to my new home.


I'm in the Recovery Room - I'll Be Available Soon

Piper is four!

BTRC Piper recently celebrated her fourth birthday – and her foster parents made sure it was a very special occasion. With an outfit to match her sass, Piper enjoyed a pupcake in style (all while getting it caught on camera by the puparazzi!).

We asked Piper what her birthday wish was and though she didn’t want to reveal her secret, we suspect is has something to do with a happily-every-after fit for the princess she is. ❤

Happy Birthday beautiful girl!


You’ve got this Piper!

On June 14, BTRC foster Piper underwent emergency surgery to remove her left eye due to a ruptured ulcer. Extra eyelashes on both eyes were also removed as they were a likely cause of the ulcers (there was one on the right eye too which has now fully healed).

On June 26, Piper had a scheduled dental with 10 teeth extracted. X-rays taken at this time revealed patella luxation in both knees, which will require surgery, and arthritis needing long-term pain management.

On July 11, Piper had four additional eyelashes removed from her right eye due to discomfort and excessive watering.

Then, a few days ago, Piper’s left front leg was noticeably swollen, and she began limping. An ultrasound found a large blood clot in a vein with significant bacterial infection. Piper was lethargic and feverish, prompting aggressive treatment in the hospital with IV antibiotics and pain medication.

Piper experienced difficulty keeping food down, even with anti-nausea medication. Concerning bloodwork led to more IV antibiotics and fluids the next day.

Her vet visit yesterday was encouraging. Vitals are normal, and the swelling in her leg is greatly reduced. Piper was prescribed oral antibiotics and pain medication for inflammation and discomfort, with ongoing monitoring pending culture results. She has been experiencing some regurgitation and is also taking Omeprazole for gastric reflux. But the good news is that Piper can continue her recovery at home where she receives all the TLC she needs from her amazing and dedicated foster family.

Please send positive thoughts and healing vibes to brave and beautiful Piper. Everyone at the vet clinic adores her; she brightens their day with kisses whenever she visits. Despite facing so many challenges, her strength and resilience continue to shine through.

Piper is being fostered in Calgary, AB and is not yet ready for adoption.


Piper’s is one resilient pup!

In January, we introduced you to Piper, a young dog facing significant medical and behavioural challenges, in need of a fresh start. We reached out to our Boston Terrier community nationwide and were thrilled when a foster home was found for her. Piper’s journey from Eastern Ontario to Alberta was made possible by a compassionate volunteer driver.

Over the past months, Piper has experienced some positive developments. Her medical issues have been identified, and with the guidance of a veterinary behaviourist, her anxiety is being effectively treated.

Sadly, Piper encountered a setback typical for many Boston Terriers—a painful eye ulcer. While treating this condition, her first scheduled surgery, a dental procedure, had to be postponed. Additionally, her upcoming vulvoplasty, crucial for preventing recurrent urinary tract infections, had to be delayed.

Unfortunately, despite diligent and aggressive treatment, Piper’s eye ulcer worsened significantly. Incredibly painful and with significant irreversible vision loss, her ophthalmologist decided the best course of action was to remove the eye. During this procedure, the vet also addressed Piper’s distichiasis—extra eyelashes likely contributing to the ulcer. Although she also has an ulcer in her remaining eye, we’re optimistic it can heal.

Piper is currently recuperating in the loving environment of her dedicated foster parents. However, the unexpected costs associated with Piper’s emergency (approx. $6,000) and the estimated cost of her dental and vulvoplasty procedures (exceeding $4,000), mean our bank account has taken another big hit.

You can help by donating at https://bostonterrierrescuecanada.com/donate/


Piper’s long haul is complete, and she is now in her foster home!

In early January, we posted about Piper, a three-year-old Boston Terrier requiring a special type of foster home. A wonderful family was found, but they were in Alberta, and Piper was in Ontario. With the help of BTRC volunteers and a kind and caring truck driver, we are excited to report that Piper has made her way to Alberta and is now getting acquainted with her new digs.

Piper has a long history of urinary tract issues that treatment to date has not resolved. Adding to Piper’s health concerns, she also has separation anxiety and can be reactive when highly stressed. Piper’s family wanted her to get the specialized medical care and behavioural training she requires and felt BTRC was her best chance to live the happy and healthy life she deserves.

Since arriving at her foster home, Piper has been an active, inquisitive and snuggly guest! A polite leash walker, she enjoys exploring the new sights and sounds. She even had a staring competition with a bunny she encountered on a walk but was startled when it hopped away. LOL

In between walks, Piper enjoys her beauty rest as most Bostons do – burrowed right under the covers. Piper has a nice set of pipes too! She will let her foster parents know when she is hungry or suspects something suspicious is happening outside (those darn squirrels are always causing trouble!).

As Piper settles in and we get to know her better, we will share updates. Thank you to everyone who cared about and shared Piper’s situation. Though her road trip has ended, her journey to a new future has just begun!

Piper is being fostered in Calgary, AB and is not yet ready for adoption.

  • Boston Terrier
  • Female
  • Adult (49 - 108 Months)My DoB is 07/23/2020
  • 21 - 30 Pounds
  • Black and White
  • $ 600.00

DONATE NOW       Help us take care of Piper

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