I've found my furever family!


We're happy to tell you that Doyle has a new furever home.
Please visit our Available Dogs Page to see the pups currently available.

Doyle was adopted on
September 17, 2024

Doyle is 3!

BTRC foster Doyle is exhausted after celebrating his third birthday on New Year’s Day. He partied hard with his brother, BTRC alum Petrie, snacking on treats, chasing balls and destroying stuffies. As you can see, Doyle crashed after the festivities, but the smile on his face clearly suggests that it was a day to remember!

We asked Doyle what his birthday wish was and though he wouldn’t share specifics, he did say, “I have less itchies, a brother who is my best friend and a foster family who loves me – there’s not much else to wish for right now.” ❤

Happy Birthday, Doyle!


Dear Valentine,

When I arrived at my foster home, I was nervous – everything was new. That was a long time ago, but I’ll never forget that first day. As I was sniffing around, trying to get to know my new digs, I saw a glimpse of black and white in the distance. You walked near and I was awestruck by the handsomest boy I’d ever seen. Your chiselled cheeks and expressive eyes were captivating. Your ears flopped back when you saw me and that’s when I knew we were meant to be.

Petrie, you are my brother and my best friend. Since we met, we haven’t spent a day apart. Even when I go on my long trips to see the itchy skin doctor, you patiently wait for me to come back. You taught me the art of napping under the covers – it’s a wonderful world under there – and one I only want to experience with you.

Remember when we were arguing over who would nap on dad’s vest when it fell onto the sunny spot on the deck? I was about to run away with it, but you decided to lay on only half the vest to give me the other side. You showed me that sharing is caring, and that wisdom comes with age and experience.

I look up to you so much, Petrie. You are a BTRC alum and that is what I aspire to be one day. You make me feel safe and your kisses let me know that I am loved each and every day.

Love your one and only,




Dear Santa Paws,

It’s me Doyle! Can you believe I’m almost three years old, Santa? I’m such a big boy now…and a good one too!

This is my first Christmas with my foster pawrents and my brother, Petrie. He is also from BTRC but they call him an alum. Petrie says that Christmas is extra special because it’s a time for napping by the fireplace after eating too much and staying out of the snow. That sounds pretty awesome to me!

This year I’ve got a lot to be thankful for. Before I came to BTRC, I had sooo many itchies and did sooo many scratchies. But now I’m not as itchy! I also got my cherry eyes fixed and my foster pawrents say I look much better. It’s not that I wasn’t handsome before, but now I’m even handsomer!

This year for Christmas I would like a new ball to play indoor fetch with. To be honest, Santa, I’m not a fan of outdoor fetch, and the outdoors in general for that matter. Can your elves make a ball that is indestructible because I like to shred every toy in the house? (Petrie made me write that last part because he wants me to stop shredding his toys – but that’s the funnest part!)

One last thing, Santa. Can you give my foster mommy something extra good this year? She takes me to a special doctor and it takes two hours to get there and we have to take a boat called a ferry. She loves me so much and says that I’m worth it and that she would go to the ends of the earth for me. Boy, do I believe it.

Thank you, Santa Paws. I can’t wait until Christmas.

P.S. When you read Petrie’s letter to you, don’t listen to him. He says that I should be on the naughty list.


Doyle is lookin’ good!

We are happy to report that Doyle is recovering well from his cherry eye repair! Unlike some dogs who are unimpressed with having to wear the dreaded cone, Doyle is not fazed by his new accessory. In fact, Doyle thinks that the label “Cone of Shame” should be changed to the “Cone of Fame.” He’s pretty sure he just started a new fashion trend. 

Doyle’s foster mom says that he is an “angel” when receiving his eye drops. This is not surprising as Doyle has been patient with all of his skin treatments too. For Doyle, eye drops, baths and medications simply mean more time spent with his loved ones (and more cuddles!).

Speaking of loved ones, his best friend and foster brother BTRC alum Petrie is not fazed by the cone either. He has taken it upon himself to be Doyle’s personal groomer. He told us, “Since his head is in jail, I figure I’d lend him a hand…or a tongue.” LOL

Doyle now joins Rocco in the Cherry Eye Repair Club. Next up for membership – BTRC foster Mia


Doyle is hoping for an itch-free future!

BTRC Foster Doyle loves summer and hopes this nice weather will last as long as possible. If there is a ray of sunshine, chances are you will find Doyle. And where you find Doyle, you will find his foster brother and best friend, BTRC alum Petrie.

We asked Doyle what his favourite part about his foster experience has been and he said, “Paws-down hanging with Petrie.” You will often find them snuggling under blankets, giving each other kisses and even holding paws! Doyle has truly found his “person” (no one said humans were the only ones in the running for the coveted title of “person”). ❤ Doyle said his other favourite things are snuggling in the crook of his foster mom or dad’s arms and being held like a baby while he sleeps.

One thing Doyle isn’t fond of is his itchiness. His skin has come a long way since he was surrendered in October of 2022, but we continue to work diligently with his veterinary team to identify the root cause of his issues and find him more permanent relief. In addition to his hypoallergenic diet, ear flushes and Cytopoint injections, Doyle’s treatment plan includes baths with specialized shampoo followed by a topical mousse. The frequency of these treatments will reduce as his skin continues to improve.

Doyle has also received his first round of Allergen Specific Immunotherapy (ASIT), or as it’s more commonly known, allergy shots. Each injection is made of a specialized serum created from extracts of the specific natural substances that cause Doyle to have an allergic reaction. So, instead of drugs, the dog’s own immune system is used to battle their allergic reactions.

Traditionally there is a load-up phase where these allergens are introduced to the dog’s body in small, gradual increments over a period of weeks or months. A newer process, called rush immunotherapy, was chosen for Doyle. In this method, the veterinary dermatologist introduces increasing doses of the allergens in one day. Studies have shown that this can result in a faster response and improvement of symptoms.

Doyle was a very good boy and did well, aside from a few days of increased itching, which is common.

Special thanks must go to Doyle’s amazing foster mom who travels two hours each way, including a ferry ride, to get him to his specialist appointments. When thanked for her dedication she simply said, “Whatever helps Doylie❤.” Although his journey to an itch-free life is not yet over, Doyle’s resilience and the dedication of his foster family keeps him moving forward on the path to healing.

Doyle is being fostered in Sidney, British Columbia and is not yet ready to be considered for adoption.


Snacks Please!

Speaking of snacks, BTRC alum Doyle is still limited to those allowed on his vet-prescribed hypoallergenic diet. But always the gentleman, Doyle is very polite and would never refuse any treat so kindly offered to him. 

As you can see, Doyle is still a little red but the condition of his skin continues to be much improved. He went to the veterinary dermatologist for his long-awaiting environmental allergy testing on May 26, and it looks like the primary culprits are grass, cedar, storage mites, and yeast. It will take a few weeks to sort out just the right mixture for his allergy shots. And while it might take as long as several months to see their full effect, Doyle’s symptoms could be reduced by as much as 70%! We’ll share more about his treatment plan as we get the details, but we’re battling his stubborn allergies on all fronts so Doyle can finally live an itch-free life!


Positive Things are Happening for Doyle!

We are excited to report that things are finally moving in the right direction for Doyle!

His skin infection has been severe and stubborn, but with a combination of topical treatments and a variety of antibiotics, we finally seem to be winning the battle. Recently moved to a new foster home, Doyle’s amazing caregiver has been diligently following the regimen prescribed by his dermatologist. Now that the infection is better controlled, he was able to receive a Cytopoint shot to reduce his itchiness as well.

Once his infection is fully gone, which we hope will be achieved in the next month, Doyle will undergo testing to identify the environmental allergens that cause his symptoms. These results will be used to formulate “immunotherapy”,  a series of allergy injections that work to desensitize Doyle to the specific things to which he is allergic.

As for food allergies and sensitivities, Doyle is currently on a hypoallergenic prescription diet. We recently attempted a  “dietary provocation” or food challenge, but it had to be stopped as Doyle’s red, inflamed infected skin was making it difficult to tell when a reaction was occurring. We’ll be able to try this again soon too, introducing a new meat protein, grain, dairy or other ingredient to see if an adverse reaction occurs.

No infection also means we can plan for his cherry-eye surgery – and his neuter. We have no idea what Petrie might say to Doyle about THAT particular surgery! 


Valentine's Day 2023

In honour of our “Love is in the Air” fundraiser, here’s just one of BTRC’s Furry Valentines! Although admittedly, in Doyle’s case, he isn’t quite as furry as he should be. 

With rescue since the fall of 2022, Doyle is still under the care of a dermatology specialist, working to get his stubborn skin issues under control. Once we see more marked improvement, he’ll be able to have his cherry eye and neuter taken care of.

A New Year’s baby, Doyle recently turned two. Although his medical needs will obviously take time to resolve, Doyle is affectionate, happy and just an all-round sweetheart!


Hanging out with Doyle!

BTRC Doyle is just hanging out (and we do mean hanging out), relaxing and watching some TV. Despite the redness of his skin, he is actually pretty comfortable, which is good news!

Doyle recently had his first veterinary dermatologist’s appointment. There’s not one easy answer or solution to his skin condition, so his diagnosis and treatment will be a process.

Both Doyle’s ears have been flushed and cleaned out to help with an overgrowth of yeast. Ear medication will continue to be administered at home. A skin scraping was performed to rule out demodex, and a bacterial culture and sensitivity test will help identify the bacteria causing his infection. Complete blood and urine testing was completed as well. He was also given a shot to relieve his itching.

As we await the results, Doyle is being treated with flea preventative, daily medicated wipes, medicated baths every other day, and a skin conditioning spray post bath. An antibiotic will be added to target the specific bacteria once they are identified.

Next steps include a review of his diet, intradermal allergy testing and desensitization therapy. Doyle also needs to be neutered and have his cherry eye repaired.

Might be an idea, Doyle, to pick a long-running series on Netflix, as it sounds like you’ll be with us for some time yet! ❤︎


Welcome Doyle!

Doyle is a New Year’s Day baby, born in 2021. Approximately 20 lbs, this friendly brindle boy is not yet neutered, and has cherry eye, but these are more easily addressed than his severe skin issues.

His previous owner tried several things to manage his skin condition, without success. Although it was a difficult decision to make, Doyle was surrendered to BTRC with the hope that rescue’s experience and resources combined can work to find Doyle the relief he deserves. We hope to get a referral to a veterinary dermatologist as soon as possible.

Doyle is just newly arrived but so far, he’s been the sweetest house guest!

Doyle is being fostered in BC and is not yet ready to be considered for adoption

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