I've found my furever family!


We're happy to tell you that Thelma has a new furever home.
Please visit our Available Dogs Page to see the pups currently available.

Thelma adopted on
February 1, 2024

Thelma has been adopted!

In the previous update, we shared the budding relationship between BTRC foster Thelma and BTRC alum Doogle. They met when Thelma was temporarily staying with Doogle’s family. There has been a further development to report. Thelma and Doogle have made it official – she is moving in permanently!

Aside from Doogle, Mom and Dad, there are also two friendly felines in the home, and Thelma is getting along well with them. In fact, by watching the cats, Thelma has discovered that the top of the couch is a great place to hang out and keep an eye on the new fam.

Looks like everything has worked out exactly as it was supposed to be. ❤︎❤︎


Hello Hoomans!

Okay, so get this – I spent hours crafting the pawfect Valentine’s gift for BTRC foster Thelma, my crush. Do you have any idea how tough it is to use human scissors with paws? Let’s just say it wasn’t pretty. Dewclaws are NOT thumbs.

And what do I get in return? Thelma drooled on my heartfelt paper gift and it got all soggy. Apparently, her foster mom doesn’t allow her to munch on paper, and took it out of her mouth, so my artistry went to waste. But that’s not the worst part – Thelma had a V-Day stuffy from ANOTHER DOG! Can you believe it?

I mean, I kinda’ get it. BTRC alum Doogle, the dog who gave her that toy, is a total catch. He’s older and treats her like a queen, and that makes Thelma’s little nub wag like crazy. She told me they met while her foster mom was on vacation. She stayed with Doogle’s family, and the spark was there right from the first sniff.

 But still, it stings a little. Anyway, I’ve decided to move on. Maybe I’ll slide into Rebel’s DMs. He’s cute and they tell me blondes have more fun. I’m always up for more fun!

Mojo out.


Cherry Eye Repair

As you can see, Thelma is less than impressed by her new accessory. We, on the other hand, are pleased to report that she has had her bilateral cherry eyes repaired!

When we asked Thelma how her recovery was going, she was quite displeased – her cone scares her BT foster sister, prevents her from diving into the toy bin and affects her ability to give a good side eye when her mom prepares her eye drops.

Thelma did admit that she enjoys the extra bum scratches she gets on walks. Apparently, the cone has scored some sympathy scritches!

Thelma’s foster mom has been teaching her how to use communication buttons. The first one she learned – treats! When her foster mom was out of earshot, Thelma whispered to us, “I also know the ‘I love you’ button, but I’m holding out until the cone is off.” 

Thelma says the next button she wants to learn is “thank you” so she can show her appreciation to all the supporters who have made it possible for her, and her fellow foster dogs, to receive such costly specialized veterinary care. ❤


Dear Santy Paws,

My foster mom has been telling me that you come down our chimney to deliver toys and treats to all the good doggies out there! Sounds like a very important job.

Not sure if you know, but before coming into this home I was in a shelter. I was lucky enough that BTRC came to my rescue and now I get to spend my time lounging on the couch and getting all the treats and butt scratches possible!

I heard my foster grandparents whispering something about a stocking? Not sure what that’s about, but my BT foster sister is super excited. I mean I get it, socks are pretty tasty! I know I am supposed to ask you for a toy, but there are so many here, so instead of a toy, I wondered if you could make a donation to BTRC in my name? BTRC is helping me get my cherry eyes fixed and I know there are so many other dogs that need help too.

P.S. I heard we are leaving you cookies and milk, but not if I get them first!

Thelma xoxo


Introducing Thelma!

Thelma just recently arrived to BTRC and is settling into her foster home. Thelma is also the newest member of our Cherry Eye Repair Club, joining the esteemed group of recent inductees – Rocco, Doyle and Mia.

At one-and-a-half years of age, Thelma is a playful and energetic pup. Her foster home is filled with so many fun things that Thelma just can’t decide what her favourite is! So, in no particular order, Thelma loves treat balls, treat puzzles, lick mats and snuffle mats. It is safe to say this gal loves food! Thelma’s foster mom says she is getting the hang of potty training and basic commands – we think her food motivation might have a hand (paw?) in that. 

We’ll have lots more to share as we get to know Thelma. For now, we are allowing her time to adjust to her new surroundings.

Thelma is being fostered in Ottawa, ON and is not yet ready to be considered for adoption.

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