I've found my furever family!


We're happy to tell you that Mia has a new furever home.
Please visit our Available Dogs Page to see the pups currently available.

Mia was adopted on
July 12, 2024

Mia has a new Mamma!

We are excited to announce that after ten months in foster care, Mia has found her forever family! Travelling from Ontario to Winnipeg was a bit of a marathon but, as her mom states, “was worth every kilometre.”

Mia is getting acquainted with her new home, new neighbourhood and new humans – though it could possibly have been love at first sight as Mia already has a favourite poop spot in the backyard and has claimed her human sister’s bed as her favourite snooze spot.

From the looks of it, in addition to adding ‘adopted’ to her resume, Mia is also exploring the possibility of modelling…or cooking. 

Her mom says, “Mia is quite possibly the best dog ever; I have to pinch (myself, not the dog!) every so often to remind myself this is real…Thank you to everyone for making Mia a part of mine/our lives. So so so so so happy.”

We are overjoyed at this news too – congrats to Mia and her family! ❤

Adoptable Mia 

Mia is excited about her third birthday at the end of June. She hopes the start of her third year will also be the start of something amazing – her new life in her forever home.

Mia is quiet, polite and gentle. She loves a good zoomies session as much as the next Boston, but equally enjoys lounging around the house. If there is a sunbeam in sight, that’s where you will find her!

Mia enjoys time outdoors – especially if it’s sunny. On walks, she is a sniffer-extraordinaire!  Her exploratory personality, however, is reserved for enticing smells over interactions with unfamiliar people or dogs. Her sensitive side means she needs time to warm up to strangers, but when people visit her foster home, allowing her to approach on her own for a sniff test usually leads to kisses and prompts for a belly rub. Mia has always been an only dog so has had limited interactions with other canines. A meet-up with BTRC alum Maggie showed Mia can be comfortable around dogs but because she hasn’t had much experience, she doesn’t always understand dog play (though she and Maggie had a great time playing bitey face!). While we can’t predict with 100% certainty how Mia would do sharing her home with another dog, with proper introductions and patience we feel she could adjust to the right canine pal. Mia has never been around cats, although a dog-savvy feline might be okay too. If there is another furry friend in her new home the ability to separate pets during their adjustment period will be necessary.

Mia is crate-trained and enjoys this space as a quiet place to sleep – both at night and when her foster parents leave her alone. She doesn’t bark or get stressed when on her own, but prepare for an enthusiastic welcome when you return home!

No-fuss pampering is Mia’s style. Her parents clean her ears, brush her teeth, clip her nails and give her ear and eye drops with no issues. She knows that when she enters the home after messy weather, her feet need to be wiped and she does so willingly (the quicker those feet get wiped, the faster she gets to her beloved couch, cuddle and TV time!). Mia came to BTRC with a history of ear infections which have been resolved by the use of preventative drops. These are given twice weekly and cost $74 for a supply lasting months. Mia has cataracts, which means her eyesight may gradually worsen. Her present eye care involves three different drops daily – a five-week supply is approximately $95. She is escorted outside in the backyard at night but does perfectly well in daylight. At this point, it’s difficult to determine if her cataracts will progress to the point where surgery may be an option. Since the procedure is costly, requires extensive post-operative care, and comes with the risk of serious complications, the decision to pursue it in the future will be left to her new owner. With some simple considerations, vision-impaired dogs can live the same happy, active lives as their sighted counterparts. Their other senses take over to help them navigate the world. Mia will require eye check-ups to test her eye pressure; the frequency of these appointments will be determined at her ophthalmologist’s appointment on July 4 in Ottawa, which you must be available to attend.

Mia may be a refined lady, but she definitely has a playful side! Treat-inspired toys like puzzles and snuffle mats reign supreme. Hide and Seek is one of her favourite games – her humans hide and she seeks! Mia thrives when she feels safe and secure, and her foster home has ensured she feels just that. As a result, a spirited dog has emerged – one who would make the right family a wonderful companion. This sense of trust is likely why her dislike of car rides has subsided, and she can travel long distances comfortably.

Mia understands basic commands, is fully house trained, microchipped, up to date on shots, heartworm and parasite tested, and on preventative. She is a wonderful mix of calm and fun. If you hope to add this adorable gal to your family and are committed to offering Mia the care and attention she deserves, please click HERE for her application form.


NOTE: From the time applications are opened through the selection and screening process, adoptions can take approximately three weeks to finalize. IF YOU FILL OUT AN APPLICATION FORM AND DO NOT RECEIVE AN EMAIL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, CHECK YOUR SPAM/JUNK FOLDER OR REACH OUT VIA PRIVATE MESSAGE. BTRC will respond to all applicants by email, but only those who best fit each dog’s requirements in a forever home will be contacted for an interview.


Miss Mia is the best of both worlds!

BTRC foster Mia is quite proud of herself. She claims that it’s not every day that one meets a Boston Terrier that is so multifaceted. She is both beautiful AND cute. She is smart AND savvy. She enjoys zen AND zoomies!

Indoor Mia loves to find a sun patch to snooze in or snuggle with her humans. She even enjoys moments of solitude in her crate. Outdoor Mia, however, is full of beans! Lush green grass brings out her playful side and she darts across the lawn in sheer bliss and excitement. Not quite three years old, Mia has lots of energy but appreciates some downtime too – especially if it involves humans, a couch and something good to watch on TV.

Mia seems to think she’s the perfect combination, don’t you agree? 

Mia is being fostered in Northumberland County, Ontario and will soon be ready for adoption. Stay tuned!


Chef Mia is having fun in the kitchen!

Mia’s foster mom is quite impressed with her little sous chef. Mia is the perfect assistant – watching closely for crumb clean up, alerting mom to when the oven timer goes off and performing quality control (the treats were doggone delicious!). Though some chefs believe that dishwashing is not in their scope of work, Mia happily cleans the plate. 

When she’s not in the kitchen, Mia accompanies her foster mom while gardening – wherever there is sun, there’s Mia. She has also been spending time with canine companions during her neighbourhood walks. Though Mia isn’t very interested in playing, she doesn’t mind when a dog joins her during sniff patrol. While she was in Ottawa to see her ophthalmologist, she met up with BTRC alum Maggie for a post appointment stroll – though Mia has visited capital city several times, Maggie wanted to ensure she knew where the best pee spots were in town! 

Love is in the air for Mia!

Chère Georges,

You are black and white
I’m a Boston too
Although you are far away
I still love you
You love your orange ball
I love orange cheese
We are both happy fosters
Who are eager to please
We are young and healthy
Our time as fosters may be short
But we can send love letters
Back and forth

Georges, will you be my Valentine?



It looks like we have another BTRC love connection! Mia is being fostered in Northumberland County, Ontario and Georges is being fostered in Montreal, QC. 

Mia's eyes are looking a little brighter!

We are happy to report that Mia feels (and looks) great after her cherry eye repair. During the same visit, Mia’s veterinary ophthalmologist also performed a gonioscopy to check for signs of glaucoma. While her eye pressures are normal, Mia has goniodysgenesis, which means the fluid in her eye does not drain properly and can lead to pressure build up.

The gonioscopy test was necessary because Mia has cataracts, and at two years of age, cataract surgery is a viable option. The surgery has a success rate of 85-90%, but according to her ophthalmologist, in Boston Terriers like Mia, that success rate can drop to 60-70% because of their high risk of developing glaucoma after the procedure. As goniodysgenesis is a risk factor for glaucoma, we have to consider the odds for a positive outcome. The surgery is expensive, and after-care is extensive, with multiple eye drops administered around the clock and frequent follow-up visits in the weeks after the procedure. The veterinarian will discuss all options further at Mia’s next appointment.

Mia’s dedicated foster parents drive her three hours each way to her eye appointments. Though Mia’s eyes might not be perfect, she can clearly see how much she is cared for. ❤

Mia, of course, isn’t worried about her cataracts, and will continue to enjoy her regular routine of long walks, blissful snuggles, and exciting play sessions. She also wants her fans to know that she is becoming less picky on the food front and is learning to relax in the car. :)

Mia is being fostered in Northumberland County, Ontario and is not yet ready to be considered for adoption.

Letter to Santa Paws

Hi Santa Paws!

It’s Mia! Did you notice the return address? It’s different from last year because now I’m in a new home. It’s called a foster home. Do you know what a foster home is, Santa? It’s a warm and snuggly place where people love me and get me ready to find a forever home. I love it here!

My foster parents make me feel so comfy all the time. We go for long walks which is super awesome. Wait ’til you see their yard, Santa – it’s so big that I can do all the zoomies I want! Your sleigh is gonna fit perfectly in there, so don’t worry.

I wanna thank you, Santa, because you gave me my Christmas gift early this year! I got my cherry eye fixed! I was so brave and I now look even more beautifuler than before. I think I wanna be a DOGUE model when I grow up.

Now that my Christmas wish has come true, I don’t really need too much because my foster home is filled with so many toys, chewies and treats. Do you have room in your sleigh for some tiny booties for me, so when I go for snowy walks my feet won’t get cold?

Make sure to dress warm, Santa. It’s really cold here. I bet you’re used to the cold because you live in the North Pole. I will leave you some yummy cocoa and carrots for the reindeer. I’ll try my best not to steal a bite.

I’ll be sure to let you know where my new home is before next Christmas. I’m hoping my next address will be my forever one. ❤

Cuddles & Kisses,

Mia xo

Mia is making herself at home!

BTRC foster Mia has quickly filled the role of resident princess in her foster home. She recently discovered the joys of a Kong and was mesmerized at the idea of a toy that is full of fun AND deliciousness!

Mia is learning to heel on her walks and enjoys meeting two and four-legged friends. Though shy at first, Mia quickly warms up to people and becomes full of wiggles (her signature move). Most of her time is spent with her foster mom, but she is comfortable when left alone and quietly naps until her humans return home.

Mia’s recent fecal test showed a mild coccidia infection. One of the most common intestinal parasites, this is most frequently diagnosed in puppies but can infect older dogs too. Dogs contract coccidiosis by ingesting oocysts, the immature form of the parasite, from a contaminated environment such as infected soil or feces. Dogs that are otherwise healthy usually don’t exhibit any clinical signs, and with treatment, most cases resolve quickly. Mia has finished her prescription medication and will be retested to ensure she is parasite-free.

Mia has an appointment scheduled with an eye specialist for an in-depth assessment of her eye health and a consultation about her cherry eye repair.

Mia’s foster mom has been diligent with her teeth cleaning, but a dental appointment is also in her future to make sure her mouth is in tiptop shape. Mia doesn’t mind practicing good dental hygiene, as she understands that a mouth that is in good shape means she is just that much more kissable!

Mia is being fostered in Northumberland County, Ontario and is not yet ready to be considered for adoption.

Welcome Miss Mia!

Two-year-old Mia has just come into BTRC’s care and though we don’t know much about her, what we do know is that she is absolutely adorable! It was difficult for Mia’s family to give her up, but as we all know, even routine veterinary care can be costly. It was just not possible for the family to make the ongoing financial commitment to Mia’s care, and wanting to ensure the best for her, they decided that BTRC would be the best way for her to find a new home.

Mia is enjoying her first few days in her foster home, taking in all the new smells of the house and yard. She is a quiet dog, but it has been reported that she has a serious case of the wiggles.  Upon meeting her foster mom, Mia immediately curled up next to her – it’s no wonder she has been described as a “real sweetie.”

We look forward to hearing more about Miss Mia, but for now, we are giving her some time to settle into her new environment.

Mia is being fostered in Northumberland County, Ontario and is not yet ready to be considered for adoption.

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