I've found my furever family!


We're happy to tell you that Duke has a new furever home.
Please visit our Available Dogs Page to see the pups currently available.

Duke was adopted on
April 10, 2024

Amazing news for Duke!

This is Duke. Duke is 12 and 3/4 years old (anxious to become a teenager, he insisted we include both years and months). 

Duke needed some attention when he first arrived to BTRC — he’s had a dental cleaning and extractions, an ophthalmology exam, an abdominal ultrasound, an echocardiogram, whole-body radiographs, and bloodwork. 

Duke’s been prescribed some drops to help with red eyes and medication for his gallbladder. Thanks to the excellent care he has received in his foster home, he has gained weight, appears more muscular, and is stronger than when he arrived. His confidence has been built up along with his physique, and he is comfortable and content in his new routines. Food is Duke’s second favourite thing, next to hanging out with his people. 

Duke has a few age-related issues. He has a couple of ol’ dog lumps, is hard of hearing, and his vision may be starting to decline, but that’s the price of all his experience in being such a good boy.

Duke is a happy fellow and he’s also a very lucky one. Because his amazing foster family has decided to become his forever family! 

Everyone at BTRC is thrilled at the news, but no one more so than Duke himself. Now that he’s officially home, he’s already planning his 13th birthday party menu!


Duke’s had a dental!

Duke received the royal treatment upon his return home from his dental surgery. Understandably groggy, he lounged by the fire, received lots of snuggles and had his BT foster brother Daxton watch over him as he slept.

Duke had seven teeth removed. Several of Duke’s teeth had broken off at the gum line at some point in his twelve years, and were left to heal over on their own, leaving the roots of the teeth behind. Whether or not further surgery is performed to remove these retained roots will be decided after Duke’s had a chance to heal from these first extractions. On top of his dental issues, a pustule lesion was found at the back of his throat, and a culture determined that, luckily, the type of fungal infection is easily treated with a course of antibiotics.

The day after his surgery, Duke was alert, active and hungry! While he waits for more upcoming vet appointments, he splits his time between exploring the outdoors with his foster brothers and inside keeping warm – both from the fire and his adorable sweaters! It looks like Daxton is also great at keeping Duke warm too. ❤


Dear Valentine,

I could choose anyone to be my Valentine and I chose you, Brodie. ❤

When I first came into foster care, I was nervous. It was a new place, and I had a new family. You helped me feel safe and you welcomed me right away. Bravery is not always easy, but you have always encouraged me to try and face my fears. And, best of all, you also showed me where the best pee spots were in the yard.

You are always by my side, and I get to experience meaningful moments with you – long walks, beautiful scenery and snuggles. Best of all, you let me kiss you all over for as long as I want! I’m sorry that I don’t always let our BT brother join in when we play. I want you all to myself, sometimes, but I’m trying harder to share you.

I want you to know how much I appreciate you. At twelve-years-old, I’m considered a senior. You make me feel young again and that’s because I’m spending my golden years with my golden foster brother. I love you, Brodie.

– Duke


Duke has a dental coming up and is grateful that Brodie is there to remind him to stay strong and be brave.


Hi Santa Paws,

It’s Duke, here. Gosh, this’ll be the thirteenth year you’re visiting me. Thanks, Santa, for never giving up on me and always finding me. ❤

I’m still a bit sad about my human passing away, but I now have a foster family who loves me. Thanks for helping make that happen, Santa – and in time for Christmas too. My foster mom told me that someone who saw my social media post is sending me a calming blanket. It’s pretty neat that I have people who care about me even though they’ve never met me.

I’m thinking about what I want for Christmas, and I don’t think it’s anything your elves can make me. I don’t like when I’m left alone. Even when my foster mom goes downstairs to do laundry, I like to remind her when it’s time for her to come back up. My foster family is trying really hard to help me with this. So, I was thinking, Santa, can you bring me the gift of reassurance? My foster mom tells me I have nothing to worry about, but maybe your gift can give me the confidence I need.

On second thought, if your elves have time, maybe they can knit me a sweater or bake me some treats. You know I rock a cute sweater and I love a good snack.

Thanks, Santa Paws.

Your longtime pal,



Introducing Duke!

This handsome boy was surrendered because his owner passed away. Another family member stepped in to care for Duke, but he had a hard time adjusting to being left alone while his human was at work. For the sake of his happiness, it was decided to find him another home.

At 12-years-old, Duke is a silver Boston living his golden years. His foster mom says that he is very sweet and likes to hang out with his people and his two canine foster siblings.

Duke has a vet appointment coming up, but in the meantime, he is happy to find a comfy bed, munch on some treats and snooze!

Duke is being fostered in Calgary, AB and is not yet ready to be considered for adoption.

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